This year marked the 29th year for the MCF of Hartford hosting the Tree of Life Celebration.  With the excitement 2012 Tree of Life Ceremomy 028in the air, everyone was anxiously waiting as Dr. Michael Mally, the honorary tree lighter,  asked everyone to hold their hands up in the air and help him turn on the lights for the Tree of Life.   Sure enough, WE all turned on the lights together.  The turning on the lights announces to the community that the Personal Emergency Response Program continues to serve our elderly and our disabled community members needing lifelines.  Gifts continue to pour in and we are so blessed to help community members who need financial assistance paying for their lifelines.   Every light on the Tree of Life means something. A White Light($10), a Red Light ($25), a Blue Light ($100) is a gift given in memory or in honor of a loved one. Thank you to all who are helping the MCF of Hartford serve this community with lifelines.  Together we impact lives.