THANK YOU for your support. The Medical Center Foundation of Hartford has set a new record for the Tree of Life Celebration fundraiser. The community has donated $19,151.00 for people who need Personal Emergency Lifelines in their homes. For over 30 years the lifeline program has helped thousands of people who want to live independently in their own homes. These devices are reliable and simple to operate. Everyday people use them when they need assistance by pushing a button. If you don’t want any help… don’t push the button. If you want help… push the button. It’s simple and families love it because these devices save lives everyday.

Caring for a loved one is not easy. How would you like to have the peace of mind that allows you to work at work instead wondering how mother or father are doing? If they need something, they can push the button and help is on the way. “Everyday these devices save lives,” executive director, Deb Holtan said. “I am amazed that something so simple can make the difference between life and death because families planned ahead of time and decided to get their loved one a lifeline.” The funds raised subsidize or pay in full for those in need of a lifeline. The cost starts at $25 / month. Need help? Call today, 262-670-7568