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Now is your chance to get in on the fun! The 24th Goldbug Golf Classic is Tuesday, July 15 at noon at the Hartford Golf Club! EVERYONE IS INVITED! To register please use the yellow tab "Contact Us" and Deb Holtan will do the rest. To play it is only $100.
This is Groundbreaking!
Want to see history being made? Come to the Medical Center Foundation of Hartford Healing Garden Groundbreaking Ceremony on Tuesday, May 27 at 11:00 am. Everyone is welcome. This event will take place at the Aurora Medical Center in Hartford. Come for the...
It’s Time!
The 24th Annual Goldbug Golf Classic is just around the corner and teams are starting to get together. Be sure to register soon and SAVE the DATE for Tuesday, July 15th. Everyone is welcomed. Call Deb Holtan, Executive Director, for the MCF of Hartford 262-670-7568...
Need a Lifeline?
For less than $40 a month, MCF of Hartford is happy to help you set up a lifeline for your loved one. Please call Deb Holtan 262-670-7568.
Healing Garden Groundbreaking
On May 27th at 11:00 am please join the Medical Center Foundation of Hartford and the Aurora Medical Center of Washington County for the groundbreaking ceremony for the new Medical Center Foundation of Hartford Healing Garden. Come to Aurora Medical Center 1032 E...
Congratulations Dr. Eric Weber
Dr. Eric Weber received the President's Award for his dedication and service to the Foundation at the Annual Dinner. "What makes this group so wonderful are the people you get to work with." Thank you Dr. Eric Weber.